Project Environmental Filings — Boston Logan
Learn more about past and current projects at Boston Logan International Airport.
Boston Logan Environmental Data Reports and Environmental Status and Planning Reports
Environmental Status and Planning Reports (ESPRs) are prepared every 5 years and provide annual updates and long-range analysis of projected operations, passengers, and cumulative impacts.
Environmental Data Reports (EDRs) provide an annual update for the interim years on activity and environmental conditions at Logan Airport.
Older EDR/ESPR documents are located at the bottom of this page.
2022 Boston Logan International Airport Environmental Status and Planning Report (ESPR)
Massport held three public information sessions on the 2022 ESPR to provide the public with information on ground transportation, activity levels/forecasting, aircraft noise, air quality, regional transportation, and airport planning activities at Boston Logan International Airport. Two of these public information sessions were held in June and December 2023 prior to filing the ESPR with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs – Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Office. The third hybrid (in-person and virtual) public information session was held on June 26, 2024.
- 2022 Boston Logan Airport Environmental Status and Planning Report (ESPR)
- 2022 Boston Logan Airport Environmental Status and Planning Report (ESPR) – Translated Introductions
- 2022 Boston Logan ESPR - Technical Appendices
- 2022 Boston Logan ESPR - Notice of Availability
- 2022 Boston Logan ESPR - Certificate
Meeting 3 – ESPR Overview
Meeting 2 – ESPR Overview
Meeting 1 – ESPR Overview
Boston Logan Active Projects
Boston Logan Runway 27 End Runway Safety Area Improvements Project
- Mass DEP Waterways Regulation Program Public Hearing Notice (English) – 10/17/2024
- Mass DEP Waterways Regulation Program Public Hearing Notice (Spanish) – 10/17/2024
- Final Environmental Assessment (Final EA)
- Final EA Executive Summary (English)
- Final EA Executive Summary (Spanish)
- Draft Environmental Assessment (Draft EA)/Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
- Draft EA/Final EIR Executive Summary (English)
- Draft EA/Final EIR Executive Summary (Spanish)
- DEIR Meeting Presentation (7/20/22)
- Draft EIR
- Draft EIR Executive Summary (English)
- Draft EIR Executive Summary (Spanish)
- Project Environmental Notification Form
- Project Summary (English)
- Project Summary (Spanish)
Framingham Logan Express Garage Expansion
- Single EIR
- Expanded Environmental Notification Form
- Environmental Notification Form
- Traffic Impact and Access Study
Boston Logan Airport Parking Project
- Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment
- Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment
- Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment Technical Appendices
- Environmental Notification Form
- Overview of MEPA Review Process—Logan Airport Parking Project[1]
Terminal C Canopy, Connector, and Roadway Project
- Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
- Environmental Assessment Appendices
- Draft Environmental Assessment
- Draft Environmental Assessment Appendices
Terminal E Modernization Project
- Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) Record of Decision (ROD)
- Final Environmental Assessment/Final Environmental Impact Report
- Environmental Assessment/Draft Environmental Impact Report Vol. I
- Environmental Assessment/Draft Environmental Impact Report Vol II.—Technical Appendices
- Environmental Notification Form
Other Environmental Documents
Boston Logan Airport Parking Freeze Reports
- March 2025
- September 2024
- March 2024
- September 2023
- March 2023
- September 2022
- March 2022
- September 2021
- March 2021
- September 2020
- March 2020
- September 2019
- March 2019
- September 2018
- March 2018
- October 2017
- March 2017
- CMR 7.30: Logan Airport Parking Freeze Amendment Studies
Previous Environmental Data Report (EDR)/Environmental Status and Planning Report (ESPR) Documents
- 2020/2021 Boston Logan Environmental Data Report (EDR)
- 2020/2021 Boston Logan Environmental Data Report (EDR)Technical Appendices
- 2020/2021 Boston Logan EDR Consultation Session Presentation (12/15/22)
- 2018/2019 Boston Logan EDR
- 2018/2019 Boston Logan EDR (Technical Appendices)
- 2017 Boston Logan ESPR
- 2017 Boston Logan ESPR (Technical Appendices)
- 2017 Boston Logan ESPR Informational Meeting Presentation (10/29/19)
- 2016 Boston Logan EDR Notice of Project Change
- 2016 Boston Logan EDR
- 2016 Boston Logan EDR (Technical Appendices)
- 2015 Boston Logan EDR
- 2015 Boston Logan EDR (Technical Appendices)
- 2014 Boston Logan EDR
- 2014 Boston Logan EDR (Technical Appendices)
- 2012/2013 Boston Logan EDR
- 2012/2013 Boston Logan EDR (Technical Appendices)
- 2012 Boston Logan EDR
- 2011 Boston Logan ESPR
- 2011 Boston Logan ESPR (Technical Appendices)
- 2010 Boston Logan EDR
Please note that some of these documents are large files, requiring extra time for download. If you have any questions or concerns about downloading these documents, please contact us.
Older documents have been posted to our Archive Page.