Massport Announces Schedule for Summer Runway Work at Boston Logan
Runway 15R-33L Safety and Pavement Rehabilitation Project
BOSTON – The Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) today announced the Runway 15R-33L Safety and Pavement Rehabilitation Project schedule for this summer. In collaboration with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Massport will begin work on Runway 15R-33L in August, with construction planned for approximately 100 days.
Serving as the longest runway at Boston Logan, Runway 15R-33L is primarly used by the FAA during northwest winds, which are typically prevalent in winter and spring months, and is the preferred late-night over Boston Harbor runway for noise abatement purposes. Runway 15R-33L was last rehabilitated in 2012.
Beginning August 14, Runway 15R-33L will be closed to all aircraft arrivals and departures. Consistent with FAA requirements, the project will improve runway safety by enhancing the lighting and the surface conditions. Work will be done in several phases to include the following:
- Replacing pavement and improving runway and taxiway intersections;
- Upgrading electrical infrastructure;
- Converting runway lights to energy efficient LEDs.
In addition to the runway rehabilitation elements, FAA recommended safety improvements will be made to several taxiway intersections to reduce the potential risk of aircraft runway incursions and to enhance airfield safety overall.
This August date was determined based on close coordination with the FAA and airline stakeholders while being mindful of the Sumner Tunnel closure. During the first few weeks of the closure, pavement will be removed and electrical elements will be installed. The majority of the pavement installation will occur in September and October..
Comprehensive mitigation measures will be put in place to reduce construction noise and other impacts to the surrounding communities. Those measures include:
- Reducing noise from truck back-up alarms within OSHA guidelines and other regulations;
- Maximizing daytime work, particularly noise producing activities;
- Establishing airside haul routes that will maximize distance from neighboring homes, particularly at night;
- Hauling waste and other materials during the day to the extent possible;
- Prohibiting trucks from using City of Boston streets to and from the airport
- All construction traffic will access the airport via Routes 90/93/1A and Coughlin Bypass Rd.
- Aiming all lighting used for night operations away from the communities
Massport will be holding a Virtual Information Session on Tuesday, June 13 at 6:00 p.m. and encourages members of the public with any questions or concerns to attend.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 828 3849 3328
Powering What’s Possible. The Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) owns and operates Boston Logan International Airport, public terminals in the Port of Boston, Hanscom Field, and Worcester Regional Airport. For more information, please visit