Port Resources
Gate Processing
Learn more about Conley Terminal’s policies for gate processing.
- Loads must pre-gate in Scale Lane 1, 2, or 3.
- Once a move is lodged at pre-gate, proceed to the Inspection Lane for inspection of the equipment, verification of the seal number for a FULLIN move, and receipt of an active Yard Pass.
Verify the Yard Pass displays the correct information:
- Equipment number
- Steamship line (owner)
- Seal number
Inspection Process—Inbound:
- Open container doors (MTINO moves) for inspection by the Lane Clerk.
- If container damages are noted, the Yard Pass is marked and the driver is directed to the CCS damage area.
- Upon delivery to CCS, the driver must have the Yard Pass stamped or signed by a CCS representative; the move will not be completed until properly processed.
- Driver/trucking company access will be suspended if found delivering damaged containers to the terminal’s marshaling yard.
- Plastic zip ties MUST be disposed of in trash barrels located in the Lane area.
Inspection Process—Outbound:
- Driver must inspect the container for damages and inform the Gate Clerk of damages (in presen) prior to processing the Yard Pass.
- Import units marked as DAMAGED on the FULLOUT move cannot be street-turned. Units that have been street-turned and were marked DAMAGED on the FULLOUT move will not be accepted on the FULLIN move.
- No MTOUT container can be delivered to the CCS damage area.
- Seal verification—If the manifested seal number is different from the actual seal number (C-TPAT), the container may not be delivered without steamship line authorization.
- Containers with missing seals must be reported to Terminal Management and Port Police. The steamship line will be notified and must authorize delivery.
Finalizing Gate Transaction:
- Exchange Yard Pass(es) for EIR(s) to complete the the gate transaction—one Yard Pass per transaction.
- CBP/USDA Exams vs. Un-Cleared (UNCL) Deliveries:
- CUST EXAM moves are processed as normal deliveries to the exam site. The unit does NOT return to the terminal.
- EXAM units move on a UNCL to the exam site and MUST return to the terminal for final clearance.
- If there are any questions regarding processing government inspection targeted containers, please contact Marlene Lio (mlio@massport.com) or Yani Lopez (ylopez@massport.com).